Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/Think Bacteria

How do we combat bacteria in the mouth? Bacteria are the main cause for dental caries (cavities) and periodontal disease. These bacteria can affect the immune system and make it harder to combat other health issues. Getting control over the bacteria in the mouth can help make it easier for the body to overcome other physical diseases. Please read the following link to read this article written by Douglas Urban, D.D.S. @ Cerritos Southcoast Dental. 

Douglas Urban, D.D.S. @ Cerritos Southcoast Dental
10945 South Street, Suite 200 A
Cerritos, CA  90703
(562) 924-1523

A practicing dentist in the Cerritos area for 25+ years.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/Save teeth or replace with implants

When there is a missing tooth It is important to fill the space with something. Failing to do this can create many dental problems from the teeth shifting. This goal can be obtained by several methods. The choices are many and a list a few options, partial, bridge and implants. One of the options most considered and popular today is the implant procedure. Several aspects of this particular procedure are covered in an earlier article written by Douglas Urban, D.D.S. @ Cerritos Southcoast Dental. Click on the link below to read more about it.

Douglas Urban, D.D.S. @ Cerritos Southcoast Dental
10945 South Street, Suite 200 A
Cerritos, CA  90703
(562) 924-1523

A practicing dentist in the Cerritos area for 25+ years.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/The Oral Exam

An oral exam is much more than just a cavity detecting process. During an oral exam a dentist or hygienist is searching for anything abnormal in mouth. Oral cancer screening is usually an important part of the exam. To read more about this please click on the article written by Douglas Urban, D.S.S.

Douglas Urban, D.D.S./Cerritos Southcoast Dental
10945 South St. Suite 200 A
Cerritos, CA  90703
(562) 924-1523

A practicing dentist in Cerritos for 25+ years.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/Your Medications and Dentistry

It is important for patients to share their list of medication. This is because some of the medications may interact with dental anesthetics. For more information on this serious topic read this article.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/Fluoride and the Continuing Saga

The decision to be made is whether to use fluoride or not use it. There will always be controversy over using it, but the evidence shows it to be very effective against tooth decay. Dr. Urban wrote this article for the Cerritos Community News in order to help patients decide what is best for them in their cavity prevention care. For more information on this subject please click on the link below.
Douglas Urban, D.D.S. @ Cerritos Southcoast Dental
10945 South Street, Suite 200 A
Cerritos, CA  90703
(562) 924-1523
A practicing dentist in the Cerritos area for 25+ years.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry / Taking Ownership of Your Oral Health

It is never normal to see indications of bleeding in the mouth. Studies have indicated that bacteria are the reason for many problems in the mouth. Bacteria can cause the teeth to decay but it can also promote bacteria growth around the root structure causing damage. The damage is not just to the mouth but it can also affect the heart and other autoimmune diseases. Studies have indicated that managing the bacteria that can grow in the mouth along with good oral care can prevent it from spreading in the body, into the heart etc. Diabetes can be more manageable when the bacteria are eliminated in the mouth.

Douglas Urban, D.D.S.
10945 South Street, Suite 200 A

Cerritos, CA  90703

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/Will It Hurt? Pain Control in Dentistry

Gone are the days when patients had to experience pain for dental procedures. There are all types of medications for numbing the mouth and for anxiety. Pain is usually no longer a part of the dental experience. Click on the link below to read an article written by Douglas Urban, D.D.S. for the Cerritos Community Newspaper.

Douglas Urban, D.D.S.
10945 South Street, Suite 200 A
Cerritos, CA  90703

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today’s Dentistry/What We Now Know About Children’s Dental Health

Are bacteria the cause of decay?

Previously posted on Dr. Urban's blog and also printed in the Cerritos Community Newspaper was this article regarding Children's Dental Health. 

How many people are aware that cavities are born from exposure to bacteria?  Is this bacteria passed from person to person? To read the article and learn more about this information click on the link below.

Written by Douglas Urban, D.D.S. , 
10945 South St. Suite 200 A, 
Cerritos, CA  90703.

(562) 924-1523.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dr. Urban on Today's Dentistry/What is a Root Canal?

Dr. Urban has written many articles over the years and they have become a useful tool in the educational process of our patients. This particular article gives a good description of a root canal.

Dr. Urban on Today's Dentistry/What is a Root Canal?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Oral Bleeding

If you had a sore on your arm that was continuously bleeding would you see a doctor? Why are people not alarmed at bleeding in the mouth? It is indicative of a disease. Please click on the link below to read this article written by Douglas Urban, DDS.

Oral Bleeding

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Saliva Plays an Important Role in Our Mouth

How important is saliva? It is an important function in digestion, transporting the food to a person's stomach and maintaining a good ph balance in the mouth. This article is very informative and does clarify why dry mouth is the breeding ground for bacteria and decay.

Read the following article for all of the information.

Written by Douglas Urban, DDS
Cerritos Southcoast Dental
(562) 924-1523

Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless but so Destructive by Dr. Urban, DDS

Dr. Urban used to write articles for the Los Cerritos Community News. Some of the articles written are very pertinent to common dental issues that patients are experiencing on a daily basis. Periodontal disease is the most prominent issue in our daily encounters with patients. It is painless and progressive and if left untreated can destroy the structure of the mouth.

 To read the article regarding this topic, click on the following link to be directed to the full article.

Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless but so Destructive by Dr. Urban, DDS