Thursday, January 28, 2016

Saliva Plays an Important Role in Our Mouth

How important is saliva? It is an important function in digestion, transporting the food to a person's stomach and maintaining a good ph balance in the mouth. This article is very informative and does clarify why dry mouth is the breeding ground for bacteria and decay.

Read the following article for all of the information.

Written by Douglas Urban, DDS
Cerritos Southcoast Dental
(562) 924-1523

Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless but so Destructive by Dr. Urban, DDS

Dr. Urban used to write articles for the Los Cerritos Community News. Some of the articles written are very pertinent to common dental issues that patients are experiencing on a daily basis. Periodontal disease is the most prominent issue in our daily encounters with patients. It is painless and progressive and if left untreated can destroy the structure of the mouth.

 To read the article regarding this topic, click on the following link to be directed to the full article.

Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless but so Destructive by Dr. Urban, DDS